FLM: Who are you?
KP: Really Rich KP
FLM Where are you from?
KP: Memphis
FLM: When did you get into Music?
KP: I started taking it serious 2017/2018
FLM: Who are your artistic inspirations (could be a person or thing)
KP: OG Double Dee the biggest in it! FLM: What words would you use to describe your music?
KP: Timeless Rich
FLM: What are you bringing to the game that it doesn’t have right now?
KP: Organic originality Real lyrics
FLM: Name a few places your Music has taken you so far?
KP: 10 different states, VH1, industry parties and more.
FLM: What other your interest do you have outside of Music?
KP: Hustling investing cars
FLM: Who have you collaborated with in the music industry?
KP: Mainly producers no major features yet
FLM: How can our readers reach you?
KP: Instagram@1reallyrichkp or reallyrichkp.com
FLM: Are you making a living off of your musical talents?
KP: Music is one of my hustles so yes.
I am developing a tv show and I ask these last few questions to everyone
1. What are your go to sneakers?
2. Do you prefer roller skates or blades? Roller skates