Fame Live Magazine presents
HIP HOP 50th
Hip Hop Merch
Buy Merch of Hip Hop Artists and download / purchase their
music and merch throughout the year of 2023.
Happy Birthday Hip Hop!
Say Happy Birthday to Hip Hop on video. Make a 1-minute
birthday tribute to Hip-Hop.
Hip Hop Annversary Events
Award Show hosted by Dana Dane in New York City
HipHop50th Sponsorships
Be apart of the Legacy of Hip Hop and sponsor our initiative of honoring the 50 years of amazing history!
Hip Hop FACTS Culture Competition
A – Side – #HipHopCulture - Overview
1. Hip Hop music has transformed global culture, crossing from
music to fashion, to arts, to culture to technology to science.
2. How has Hip Hop influenced your life and culture in Fashion, Arts,
Culture, Technology and Science?
3. Tell us the impact of Hip Hop on your culture.
B – Side - #HipHopFACTS - Details
1. The Hip Hop FACTS Culture Competition is designed to
understand the impact of hip hop on your life covering 5 areas of
2. Submission Categories: Fashion, Arts, Culture (Hip Hop),
Technology and Science
3. Submit your 90-seconds-of-fame video contribution of what hip
hop has meant to your culture in one of these 5 areas.
4. Maximum of two category submissions per person.
5. The top 10 submissions in each category will be compiled into a
Hip Hop 50 Culture Exhibition.
6. The HH50CE will be showcased throughout the fall of 2023, 2024,
and beyond at special events to represent some of the best of
the best in this jubilee 50th year.
7. Submit on IG at @HipHop50
8. Submission Period is from the Friday of MLK weekend to
Juneteenth. (Jan 20 to Jun 19)
9. Final Showcase Event to be held in July 2023 in New York.
10. Compilation of Top 50 FACTS to represent the Hip Hop 50 Culture